The new SourceLair is here

Here in SourceLair, we work every day to make our lives better, through constant innovation. We develop and release new features almost every week, while we continuously fix issues and improve the experience of using SourceLair to develop your projects any time, on any computer.

Today we are excited about releasing the new SourceLair; a re-engineered version of our service from front to back. The new SourceLair ships along with features that will take your development experience to the next level, while augmenting the reliability of our service.


Command Palette

Earlier this month, we released the "Command Palette"; a feature that gives you access to almost any command available in SourceLair. The Command Palette is built inside every aspect of the new SourceLair. You can do almost everything you would like by just hitting Ctrl + Shift + P (or Cmd + Shift + P) and then search with free-text about the action you would like to perform; from starting a new project, to switching the current programming language and committing your project.


Developers love using the terminal. We do as well. From today you can spawn a fully-featured Linux terminal, in your SourceLair project. To do so, invoke the Command Palette, type terminal and hit Enter. This will open-up a new Terminal window, attached to the terminal of your project. The Linux environment of your project is already loaded with great development software like pip, npm, coffeescript, gcc and more. Terminal is built into almost every aspect of the new SourceLair. All of the existing actions in SourceLair that needed long running processes to be executed (like git pull and Django's runserver) now use the Terminal so as to let you control them like you would do locally, on your computer (e.g. ).

Search lets people access resources intuitively — driven naturally by their thought. We have integrated search in almost every aspect of our service; from the editor to the branches of your repository or the available programming languages. We improved significantly the searching capabilities of our editor, so as to be able to do more, faster, without having to touch your mouse. Additionally, we enabled search for most resources accessed by the command palette; the branches you checkout and merge, the remotes to which you push or pull, the programming languages for which the editor provides syntax highlighting.

User Interface

Today we are shipping a brand new user interface for SourceLair. We re-engineered our user interface to make more information available to the user, reduce the empty space, while make it more comfortable to the eye. We updated the typography and color palette of our interface and redesigned the curves of SourceLair, in order to produce a gorgeous user interface, without visual distractions, that enables developers focus where they have to.

Keeping a user interface simple is not simple itself; especially when you constantly add new features to it. We are proud to keep our user interface as simple as it was three years ago, back when we first started SourceLair, while making it fit the needs of a vast range of developers; from novice to advanced Django and Python developers. We can promise that no user will feel uncomfortable with the new user interface that we shipped today.

Support Center

Last but not least, today we are gradually rolling out new articles to our Support Center. We want our users to be able to find answers to their questions instantly, in order to eliminate distractions. We have already new articles on that can help you get support immediately on queries you might have. If you cannot find an answer in these articles, you can always contact us at [email protected] and get a personal answer in less than 24 hours.

The new SourceLair is at and lets you develop software effortlessly, anytime, on any computer.

Where you can get

Updates and contact us

You can check out product updates at the SourceLair blog, or learn more about us at State of Progress, where we share our thoughts on software development and management.

Stay in touch

You can reach out to us at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or email us at [email protected].