Always-on public URL

Our users love the public URL feature of SourceLair. It lets them publish and showcase their work in progress in seconds to anyone they like.

After several hours of inactivity we are hibernating the server behind your public URL, in order to keep the load of our infrastructure in reasonable levels. This led to uncomfortable 502 Bad Gateway error pages, when people visited the public URL of a hibernated project's server. The error page would stay there until the owner of the public URL's project started working on it again in SourceLair.

Starting today your public URL will be always available, for every visitor. In case your server has been hibernated, an informative page will show up that will take care of waking up your server automatically in just a few seconds, thus making it again available.

Always on public URL

All you have to do is develop your web application at and share your public URL with the people you want to, while being sure that your app will be available.

Where you can get

Updates and contact us

You can check out product updates at the SourceLair blog, or learn more about us at State of Progress, where we share our thoughts on software development and management.

Stay in touch

You can reach out to us at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or email us at [email protected].