Introducing Django 1.7 support in SourceLair

Today, we're glad to announce support for Django 1.7 in SourceLair.

SourceLair is using Django to serve you those awesome features, so we can't hide our love here. We're doing our best to support the Django community, by providing an easy to use, intuitive development environment that's made for rapid development. Now, you can use the latest version of your favorite framework, that provides a great new set of features and functionality, with the most notable ones being:

  1. A new built-in database migration system: Now, you can easily migrate your database to new scemas, without the need to use SQL. We love doing things fast, so you get both migrate and makemigrations right out of the box as Command Palette comands. Just press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P and search for the things you love doing the most, i.e. type "django" to see all Django related commands.
  2. A refactored concept of Django applications: Say goodbye to spaghetti code when it comes to importing signals and other "import only once" modules in your application, now there's a startup mechanism for that!
  3. An extensible system check framework: Common errors and issues get straight out of your way, they are now being statically checked by the framework for you! Of course, we couldn't let you down on this, so there's a brand new check command in Command Palette which will help you check your application.

Django Migrate Command

Enjoy coding on the cloud, using Django 1.7

Where you can get

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