A new domain name for SourceLair IDE and a few updates

It’s been quite a while since our last update, but we have been working hard on more than a just few things in the meantime. More detailed updates are to come soon!

First, we want to share that our main product, SourceLair IDE, has a new home. It moved from www.sourcelair.com to ide.sourcelair.com. What does this mean for you? Pretty much nothing. Everything is just going to work like nothing changed, just under a new host in your browser’s address bar. Of course we have set up automatic redirects from www.sourcelair.com to ide.sourcelair.com, so you don’t even need to change what you type in your browser to keep accessing SourceLair IDE.

Next, we changed the URL paths of project workspaces to better represent the patterns in the rest of our URL paths. They changed from /workspace/{project_name} to /workspaces/{username}/{project_name}/. What does this mean for you? Pretty much nothing. Old workspace URLs will redirect to the new pattern automatically.

Last, we changed what your browser’s tab title for project workspace. From now on, instead of displaying the generic marketing SourceLair | … title, we changed it to {project_name} | SourceLair IDE. It’s much simpler, shorter and also lets you work on multiple projects simultaneously, while knowing which one resides in each browser tab at a glance!

So, that’s all folks for now! We will get back to you soon with a few great company updates we have in the works.

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You can check out product updates at the SourceLair blog, or learn more about us at State of Progress, where we share our thoughts on software development and management.

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