Introducing Find in Files

The problem

As the codebase of a project increases in size, it becomes more difficult to find exactly what you're looking for. Some times, simply searching in file can suffice. There are other times when code navigation and goto definition (Alt-. or Alt-Click) comes to the rescue. But when it comes to searching the whole codebase or trying to find all the instances of something, there was no simple way to do it in SourceLair.

My personal flow when encountering a situation like that would be:

  • grep the stuff I wanted to find in the terminal
  • scroll through the results
  • open the files I wanted one by one with Quickopen

The process was suboptimal and tedious - especially when I had to open multiple files. So we changed it.

The solution: Introducing Find in files.

In order to make searching in big codebases simpler and easier, we introduce the Find in files functionality. All you have to do is trigger the Find in files command - either by the Command Palette or by invoking its shortcut Ctrl-Shift-F (Cmd-Shift-F for OS X users) - and type your query.

You will instantly start getting your search results in a nice and human friendly format, similar to Atom's Project Find and Sublime's Find in Files. The results will stream into your editor tab and they provide easy single click navigation from the search result terms.

Find in Files

As a first step, Find in Files supports only simple text search queries to make its usage as simple as possible. Go to and give it a try. If you like it, stay tuned for updates like regex support and directory specific searching!

Where you can get

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